VRT is a leading company in the immersive solutions market. We create immersive solutions for large companies and governmental authorities.
We not only create solutions and provide technical support, but also assist our clients with consulting and strategic planning in the field of disruptive technologies.
Our achievements, interesting events, latest news from the company life all in one place.
On AR/VR market since 2015
Since 2009 we have been developing IT projects, during this time our team has participated in the development of more than 150 different projects.
Winners of Steel Start 2019
Since 2009 we have been developing IT projects, during this time our team has participated in the development of more than 150 different projects.
Only highly qualified professionals with unique work experience with immersion technologies and implementation of complex projects.
Winners of Buiseness Priority contest
Победители конкурса стартапов "Buiseness Priority" фонда Россконгресс, на Петербургском международном экономическом форуме 2019
Members and experts of Moscow and Russia Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2018.
Developers of successful VR-franchise
Our franchise of amusement VR parks z8park.com has been growing steadily for two years now.
Company foundation, first projects based on virtual reality technologies
Create our own franchise of immersive VR parks with full immersion - "Z8 Park".
Victory in the Business Priority contest of the Roscongress Foundation at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, June 2019.
Become members and experts at the Moscow and Russian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Development of our own full tracking technology for virtual reality
Руководители отделов и направлений, благодаря которым наши проекты отличаются высочайшим качеством, а подход клиенториентированностью.
и Исполнительный директор
и Технический директор
Руководитель проектного